
//ISC2// Chicken with Curry

I sometimes cook; today I had a wish I wanted to eat Chicken with Curry. 

I reached in internet and I found a recipe, super easy one! This recipe, it's in Catalan but I will translate. Delicious!


- 3-4 Chicken breasts
- 1 Onion
- 1 Garlic
- 400g of Cream Milk
- 1 cup of White Wine
- 1/2 Lemon
- Curry
Olive Oil

Side dish:

- Rise


First of all, cut the Garlic and the Onion in very small pieces. Fry the onion and the garlic in a pan with a bit of Olive Oil.  When the onion is done we can put the Chicken in small pieces too.
Put a cup of White Wine when the pieces of chicken are brown. Wait until the wine vapored and we can salty it.
Add the curry in to the mixt, as much as you want. After 1 or 2 minutes put the cream milk, the quantity you want too.
After 1 or 2 minutes we put more curry and wait another 2 minutes.
When it’s done you can serve with a little bit of lemon and with rice as a side dress.

… and last but not least… ENJOY IT!

Recipe by: Núria "Les meves receptes"